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2448761 No pains, no gains
发布时间:2021-09-12 13:14:20 作者:戴明月  发布者:21302060311 浏览次数:1943  类别:英文作文  
[大学三年级] 黑龙江省 >> 哈尔滨市 >> 香坊区 >> 铁东街道

A famous saying goes that Not because there is hope to insist, but insist will have hope! It means that people do anything, there is hope, hope is of course to stick to it, only stick to it is likely to succeed. An example of this case that A farmer accidentally caught a hare that ran dead against a tree stump. Instead of farming, he sat on a tree stump every day waiting for a hare to hit him, but got nothing. I like the saying nothing for nothing is accidental, such a person will eventually get nothing. There is nothing to be gained without effort and labor.
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