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The Elder And Their Birthday
发布时间:2014-12-07 15:56:00 作者:车铭  发布者:mingming  浏览次数:3490  类别:英文作文  
[非在校学生] 江苏省 >> 扬州市 >> 广陵区 >> 汶河街道

As is vividly shown in the cartoon,a son equired his mother the reason why father show no interest in celebrating his birthday.The mother explained that was because birthday for adults meant they are getting    older.
  The peonomenon shown in the cartoon is very common in the society.Many adults as they grow older are not keen as kids on celebrating their birthday.Maybe in their minds,celebrating one birthday means they are more away from the adolescence.In the modern society,age is an important factor not only for the woman but also for the man.Nowadays,a large number of companies take age into consideration when they recruit people.The older age may makes some people lost their jobs.So the adults don't want to get older and they fall over themselves to keep pace with the times.
  From where I stand,it maybe difficult for kids to understand why adults are unwilling to celcberating their birthday.But as a 20-years-old youth,I have direct experience of it.Mental and physical deterioration both occur naturally with age.Maybe these problems reflect more obviously in the adults who are in older age.But in the other mind,we should have positive attitude for the increasing of age.It also means the growing of adults.
  • 批改教师:王思捷 ( 作文批改网 )
    批改时间:2014/12/7 18:23:51
    As it is vividly shown in the cartoon,a son equired (asked) his mother the reason why father show (was) no interested in celebrating his birthday.The mother explained that was because birthday made sence for adults meant they are getting older.
      The peonomenon shown in the cartoon is very common in the society.Many adults as they grow older are not as keen as kids on celebrating their birthday.Maybe in their minds,celebrating one's birthday means they are more (further) away from the adolescence (their youths).In the modern society,age is an important factor not only for the woman (females) but also for the mtan (males).Nowadays,a large number of companies take age into consideration when they recruit people.The older age may makes some people may lost (lose) their jobs because they are too old to be forsted.So the adults don't want to get older and they fall over themselves to keep pace with the times.
      From where I stand,it maybe (may be) difficult for kids to understand why adults are unwilling to celcberating their birthday.But as a 20-years-old youth,I have direct experience of it (turly understood the adult's ideas).Mental and physical deterioration both occur naturally with age.Maybe these problems reflect more obviously in (among) the adults who are in older age.But in (on) the other mind (hand),we should have positive attitude for the increasing of age.It also means the growing (growth) of adults.
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