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四年级下册Unit4 At the farm
发布时间:2014-05-11 08:16:04 作者:杜培玲 发布者:dupeiling 浏览次数:2279  类别:我的备课  


四年级下册Unit4 At the farm

A Let’s spell



    本部分分为Read,listen and chant; Read,listen and number 以及Look,listen and write 三部分。****部分呈现了字母组合--or--  在单词中发两种音的规律;第二部分通过听力活动帮助学生进一步感知并分辨--or的两种不同发音;第三部分通过听句子写单词的活动帮助学生按照发音规则拼写单词。


1.      学生能够感知并归纳or在单词中的发音规则;

2.      能够读出符合or发音规则的单词;

3.      能够根据单词的读音拼写出符合or发音规则的单词。


1、         学生能够感知并归纳or在单词中的发音规则;

2、         能够读出符合or发音规则的单词;

3、         能够根据单词的读音拼写出符合or发音规则的单词。


1.     学生能感知并归纳or在单词中的发音规则;学生能够自主读出符合or发音规则的单词。



Step1 Preparation

1. Greetings:

T: Good morning, boys and girls.

Ss: Good morning, Miss Du.

TToday I will divide you into 8 groups, if you did well, you can get a star.OK?  Ss:OK!(师生交流,介绍评价机制)                    

2. review the words.

T: We’ve learned –er says --- Ss:

 T: We’ve learned --ir--;--ur-- says --- Ss:

T: We’ve learned –ar-- says --- Ss:

T: We’ve learned –al-- says --- Ss:


Read as quickly as you can.

TI think all of you did a good job ! Everyone can get a star .组长给每个同学加一颗星星。

Step2  Presentation

1.     a\  T: Boys and girls, I like to read the story.(PPT呈现读故事场景)

TDo you like to read the story? Ss:Yes!

T:Here is a story!Please listen!Guess! What’s this?(PPT出示马叫声)

S:horse.T: You can get a star!

T: Yes,here’s the story about the horse.  T简笔画呈现马,Listen and repeat,学生跟读。(坚持原声输入!)PPT展示马图:A horse; 教师教读,出示词卡教读之后检查学困生读的情况。T板书horse。介绍two horses.

b\  T: The horse likes to work. T出示词卡homework, TLookthis is his homework .T:老师出示home词卡Ss read .we’ve learned---Ss: homework.检查学生读。T:You can get a star!T出示词条问:Can you read “work”? 展示词条给学生分两部分读出来。T板书:homework

c\  T: The horse likes to work. He likes to travel the world.T:Look! Here is the world weather.PPT展示世界天气, Now lookPPT出示世界地图,This is a world map. T出示词卡组读、个读、齐读,T板书world map

d\  T: The horse likes to work. He works hard of course. He meets Mr Fork. Mr Fork is his teacher.T教读fork,简笔画呈现叉子:One fork;再画叉子:Two forks!画四个:four forks!T板书单词fork PPT出示图片,THello I’m MR Fork .I’m happy.They are very happy!They read the words and chant together!Listen!(以故事引入教学的内容,学生喜欢,把课本的chant与故事融合,节省时间)。

2Ss:Just listen!

T:Look at me !Can you chant like this?TPPT,拍手示范Let’s chant together.王老师提出这部分的效果不好,我觉得原因在于课件音响效果不好,调节好音量,或者逐句读,解释。再一起拍手做,效果会好一些!)

T: Wow, Well done ! Everyone can get a star.T做动作提示组长加星。

3T: Great.Take out your paper,show me your pen. Now read and circle the words with “or”。(学生有老师打印好的词条)

T: Have you finished?

Ss: Yes.之后,组长检查,或者同桌互换改正。

4T: Yes, you can find the words.Nowthe words are in your book!Open your book ,P40Can you read them?Read in pairs!Tell me what have you found?

T: Ok. Read in pairs! 检查学困生对单词的认读情况。T: “or” says---?S:

T:一种音还是两种音?Discuss in groups,please!(学生小组里讨论)


5、          TWe  help them find their home .Can you read them like this?Look at this word:出示horse单词,T: h says---Ss:/h/

                            Or says---Ss:/-/(点拨world/word发音的不同之处)

                            Se says---Ss:/s/

T:Show me your finger!T: /h//-//s/ horse!同样的方法教其他三个单词。

T: Well done ! Everyone can get a star.

 6Read in groups,什么时候“or”读---,什么时候“or”读---

T: 适时点拨孩子注意or前面的字母,总结出:or在辅音字母w后面时经常发/--/;其他时候一般发/--/.

7T: Can you read more words?教师出示更多地单词卡片,学生认读单词并给单词归类找家。(奖励星)

T: LookThe words are here .Let’s read together!

Ss: read(根据徐老师的意见,学生还存在一些单词不会认读就做游戏的情况,所以单词的读还要继续加强。学生可以在组里先读一读。)

8T: You can read many words!You did a good job!Let’s play a game !T.S示范,学生两人一组练习。

9.  T:  Open your book P40 Read listen and number.

First,read by yourself.T:Ready?Then listen and number.(放录音)听音后,再听对答案。

10. T:Look listen and write.

T引导看图,There are 3 pictures.Look at P1:How many forks?Ss:4.T:4 forks;P2:This is her ---Ss:homework;P3:What are these?Ss:horses.

T :Listen and write

P1:I’d like four ----T:/f/,Which letter?Ss:f

                 /--/, Which letter?al?or?Ss:or



T: Who can write the word?come here!The other Ss write on your book!


TWho is all right?You can get 2 stars.

Step5 Progress

2.     Do exercises:基训P31VListen.number and match.

           配套:P29.Look and match.

3.     sum up: 学生总结所学,教师补充。

4.     评选出得星****的组奖励图片,****的个人,以及积极地学困生。

Homework:1 基训:P31VII Read and write

                     Vi Read and circle

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